
(580) 699-2729

Angel Melvin

Angel Melvin, StoryBrand Certified Guide, CEO/Founder

Angel Melvin


I am a StoryBrand Certified Brand Strategist and Marketing Coach, and the founder and CEO of Light Alive Marketing! I started working as a freelancer over 11 years ago, and what once was a one-man-band is now a fantastic team of talented people. I love my business, our team and our clients and my hobby has become my profession.

In early 2023, I became certified through the StoryBrand framework, which enables me to help my clients with their brand strategy on concepts that are proven to clarify your message and reach the right audience!


I always look forward to meeting new people and finding out how we can help their business reach the next level! My goal is to meet you where you are in your business and be able to help you, no matter the size of your business!

More facts about Angel:

What I do at work:

  • Manage the business
  • Communicate with clients
  • Create marketing and brand strategies
  • Graphic & Web Design (as I have the time)

What my co-workers believe that I think about all day:

Traveling and my cats! (which is accurate!)