
(580) 699-2729

Storybrand Certified Guide

Clarify your message with StoryBrand


Brand Strategist & Marketing Coach

Founder and CEO of Light Alive Marketing



Angel Melvin, CEO Light Alive Marketing, StoryBrand Certified Brand Strategist
Certified StoryBrand Guide Badge

What is a StoryBrand Certified Guide?

Are you tired of seeing marketing materials of other businesses and don’t have the first clue what they are selling?

No matter what you are working on in marketing, if your message is not clear, you will lose people’s attention before they even know who you are.

This is why StoryBrand was developed. StoryBrand is a marketing framework that was created by best-selling author Donald Miller and is based on a concept of story-telling.

Our Founder and CEO, Angel, is a StoryBrand Certified Guide, which means that she has been trained by Donald Miller and his team, and is certified in using the StoryBrand concept to develop marketing materials.


What does the StoryBrand Certified Guide do?

As a guide, Angel will use the StoryBrand model to help your business reach the intended audience. This may include: 


In collaboration with the Light Alive team, Angel is not only able to provide strategy and guidance, but she and her team will help you with the implementation as well. You get to utilize all of the creative forces to help your brand shine and transform the way you have been handling your marketing!


01 Writing a Brandscript

Clarify a client’s message using the StoryBrand framework (brandscript)

02 Sales Materials

Create sales materials from short business descriptions (effective elevator pitch) to full sales letters and emails

03 Creating Wireframe

Create wireframes for your website to attract leads

04 Sales Funnels

Build complete sales funnels for your website

05 Marketing Coaching

Provide marketing coaching services to work on your marketing alongside you

06 Delivering Keynotes

Deliver keynote speeches to present about the StoryBrand framework


How does working with a StoryBrand guide benefit me?


If you are in charge of your marketing, then you have likely experienced frustration over wasting time and resources on campaigns that do not get you the desired results.

Although we know that sometimes unforeseen circumstances may affect what we do (pandemic, anyone?), in most cases the lack of a clear message is a main cause of failed marketing campaigns.

No matter the size of your business, clarifying your message is the first step to a successful campaign.

You may have an internal marketing person or even team already, but you can view the guide as an “extension” to your existing marketing crew. You have a certified marketing expert on call when you hire a guide to help your team deliver great results and ultimately watch your business grow.


How do I work with Angel and Light Alive Marketing?


The process is easy.


Number 1

Schedule a consultation

During your initial call we will learn if we are a good fit for each other. We will discuss your needs and your budget.

Number 2

Choose a package

After you receive a proposal from us, you get to choose which services you want to start with.


Grow your brand!

Watch your business grow and your strategies succeed!

Are there other resources?


Absolutely! Donald Miller has written several books, along with J.J. Peterson (who by the way, wrote an extensive paper about StoryBrand and how it’s proven to work!) which are a wonderful resource if you are looking to expand your knowledge on marketing your business and running your business! You can purchase your copy below!

Building a Story Brand – Book

Book by Donald Miller about the StoryBrand concept and how to use it for your business!

Live Coaching Event

If you really want to dig deep, the live coaching offered by Donald Miller and his team may be a great fit for you. This is an all day live streamed event. Learn more or sign up below!

Live Training

If you love the storybrand concept and would like to learn how to implement it into your marketing, there is a specific live training that is offered by the StoryBrand team!

Business Made Simple Course

Long before Angel became a certified guide, our team spent time taking Donald Miller’s course “Business Made Simple.” In this training, Donald and part of his team teach various self-paced lessons in different business topics. This course is a great resource for small business owners and help fine-tune their operations. Sign up for the course below!