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All About StoryBrand

All About StoryBrand

Apr 3, 2023 | StoryBrand

You’ve probably heard our team talk about how Angel is a StoryBrand Certified Guide. If not, now you know! But what is StoryBrand? How does it help your business? Keep reading to learn more about StoryBrand, its framework, and how you can transform your business in three simple steps.

In this blog, you’ll read about:

What is StoryBrand?
How does it work?
What is a StoryBrand Certified Guide?
How Working with a Certified Guide Can Help


What is StoryBrand?

The StoryBrand Framework helps businesses simplify their message by using a story-based approach that places your customer and their concerns at the center of your brand.

StoryBrand has made serious moves over the years and has taken its rightful place as the leader in the way twenty-first-century brands relate to their customers. The StoryBrand Framework was developed by best-selling author, Donald Miller, and is designed to improve your business’s marketing strategy by clarifying your message. By using this framework, your business has the power to eliminate confusion, connect with your target audience, and grow your business.

StoryBrand can focus on your overall business with your BrandScript, but it can also get as granular as needed. You can use this framework for individual products and services or launching marketing campaigns.


How does it work?

The StoryBrand framework is composed of 7 parts.

  • A Character (your customer or potential customer)
  • With a Problem (they need to solve)
  • Meets a Guide (your business)
  • Who Gives Them a Plan (your solutions)
  • And Calls Them to Action (to start the buying process)
  • That Ends in Success (how does it solve their problem)
  • And Helps Them Avoid Failure (what would happen if they don’t buy)

This ‘pattern’ is used to create a BrandScript, which tells the “story” of your business and your customers or potential customers.

All marketing narrative is then created based on your BrandScript. By doing this, we truly focus on the problem your business solves for its customers. This form of story-telling invites the customer to be the hero of the story, and they become the hero by having a guide by their side.

The Power of Story

Perhaps the first thing that springs to mind when you think of storytelling is a childhood experience of being told a story, and speaking in a different voice for every character. It’s no question that a good story engages our curiosity, and emotions, and strikes our imagination.

When a story catches our attention and engages us, we are more likely to identify with the message and meaning.

When you center your brand and marketing strategy around a story, you have the power to attract the right people to your website, engage and hold their attention, and persuade them that you are the guide to help solve their problems. If you can tell a good customer-centered story on your website, email, blog, and social media, then you can grow your business. If you can’t, then your potential customers will get confused, lose interest, and go elsewhere.


What is a StoryBrand Certified Guide?

At a tactical level, a StoryBrand Guide is a marketing consultant. At a more strategic level, a Guide is a brand ambassador for the StoryBrand framework. They are the ones that advocate the effectiveness of StoryBrand and spread its message.

All StoryBrand Guides have attended intensive training by Donald Miller and J.J. Peterson and are proficient in implementing the StoryBrand concept across industries.

Many Guides offer different marketing services, however, Angel offers brand strategy and marketing coaching. You can work with her directly and visit her Marketing Made Simple site here. The most noteworthy StoryBrand Certified Guides are the Chief Guide himself, Donald Miller, Dr. J.J. Peterson, and Koula Callahan!


How Working with a Certified Guide Can Help

It’s always best to work with an expert.

For example, when you need your car fixed, you’d much rather have an experienced and knowledgeable mechanic make the repair, not your second cousin who just so happens to like cars.

Your marketing isn’t any different.

Angel Melvin, CEO of Light Alive Marketing is a StoryBrand Certified Guide, and working with a certified guide can have real benefits for your business.

Clarify Your Messaging

By following the StoryBrand Framework, you’ll have a clear path to creating a message that will actually compel your customer (or prospective customer in this case) to take action. This means more money and more growth for your business!

Help From Start to Finish

Working with a StoryBrand Certified Guide means you get help from start to finish. A Guide will help create your BrandScript with you, along with other marketing materials, and will guide you through the whole process. Plus, we have a full team that can take your StoryBrand framework and translate it into marketing materials that will produce major results.

An Outsider’s Perspective

Just like with anything in life, it can be incredibly helpful to have an outsider examine your marketing. That’s what a StoryBrand Certified Guide and our team will do, as industry experts. An outsider looking in has a huge advantage, as they can offer a fresh perspective on your business to help you see problems that you might not notice otherwise.

Start using the framework today in 3 simple steps!

  1. Schedule your consultation here
  2. Meet with Angel Melvin, StoryBrand Certified Guide
  3. Watch your business grow!




Donald Miller Words LLC. (2022). StoryBrand. Retrieved March 14, 2023, from https://storybrand.com/


