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Light Alive’s 2021 Wrap Up

Light Alive’s 2021 Wrap Up

Jan 18, 2022 | About Light Alive, Team

2021 was full of new adventures for our team and 2022 seems to be even more promising for others. Here’s the team sharing their year end wrap up from 2021. 

Angel’s 2021 Wrap Up

My 2021 was fairly eventful. In March, my family and I moved from Elgin to Norman, OK. We are now closer to my husband’s work and have been enjoying the ability to explore a “new” area while still being close to the office and our “old” life. The summer was uneventful until international travel bans were lifted. After 2 1/2 long years of not seeing a single family member due to COVID restrictions, I got to travel to my home country Germany with my daughter Selina. I met my new niece and got to visit with my 90-some-year old grandparents. During that time, we got to take a little trip to the coast of the Netherlands (Holland) and spend a few days of a “vacation within the vacation.” It was the highlight of my year.



Melanie’s 2021 Wrap Up

My 2021 involved moving and then later, buying a home! After searching for several months in a crazy real estate market, we finally found the perfect home for us. We weren’t looking for a ‘fixer upper’ initially, but ended up falling absolutely in love with one, so we decided to take on the challenge…..with lots of help from family and dear friends. It’s been all encompassing and stressful at times, but also so very rewarding to breathe new life into this sweet home. We look forward to making new memories here and sharing this space with family and friends for many years to come.



Heather’s 2021 Wrap Up

The best part of 2021 was my son, Deacon joining our family in June. The first several months were a hard transition mainly because our 4 year old, Mayleigh loves him enough to squeeze him to death! My husband, Quinton transitioned to working from home full-time since the pandemic too, so our days are pretty exhausting and chaotic with working and caring for the kids, but we wouldn’t have it any other way. We ditched our normal beach vacation since Deacon was a newborn this summer and spent a few days at Great Wolf Lodge. It was definitely a toddler’s paradise, so I look forward to a more relaxing vacation on the Emerald Coast in 2022! 


Nancy’s 2021 Wrap Up

Oklahoma saw one of the coldest February on record. Living on a cattle ranch and raising calves in the middle of that was challenging to say the least. We didn’t lose any calves to the brutal weather but we did have a couple of calves in the house in front of the furnace trying to get them warm! We were ill prepared for calving in that kind of weather. In July my youngest niece was married. They had a beautiful wedding at a vineyard in Alexandria Minnesota. The weather was perfect and it was such a joy to see family that we hadn’t seen in almost 3 years! We made lots of fun camping trips this year. We enjoyed time at Fort Cobb, Lake Tom Steed, Roman Nose, and our first time at Lake Murray. This year we also travelled to New Mexico in August and spent a week of camping, golfing and shopping. We ended 2021 with a visit from my niece’s family! Oh my goodness her boys were so much fun to be around. We laughed into the new year! What a wonderful way to end one year and begin a new one. 



Selina’s 2021 Wrap Up

2021 honestly boils down to one major trip for me. In September, me and my mom got to fly to Germany for 3 weeks. I got to meet my new baby cousin and spent time with the rest of my family for the first time in 4 & 1/2 years. We also took a mini trip to Holland, and spent three great days on the English Channel! We spent many nights out in the yard, cooking s’mores (my cousins are OBSESSED) and sharing fun stories. One night, we watched the super old picture slides and saw pictures of my mom when she was a kid into her early teens (which was golden btw). My grandparents were also able to come to us for Christmas! It was the first time I’ve seen them multiple times in one year since we left Germany.



Tonia’s 2021 Wrap Up

The best part of 2021 was paying off my VW Jetta! I bought it new in 2016. It was the very first brand new car I’ve ever owned. Such a great feeling and accomplishment! My boyfriend and I also hosted a sixth annual charity disc golf tournament for breast cancer in October. We raised over $3,700 for a local organization, Tenaciously Teal, that helps cancer fighters with care packs and gas and meal cards. We had 226 disc golfers all dressed in pink, come out and play the tournament, along with 22 sponsors who donated to the event. Another great part of 2021 was joining the Light Alive team. It was the best decision I’ve ever made! I work with such an awesome, talented group of women. My boyfriend keeps saying 2022 is going to be a great year. Well, it’s already off to a great start! 


Alex’s 2021 Wrap Up

My 2021 started off by joining the Light Alive team, a year ago this January! Since then, I’ve spent my time learning more about marketing and soaking up everything as a learning experience. While at home, I’ve gotten to spend more time with family, including a family vacation to Disney World in July 2021! 

I look forward to new experiences in 2022 and expanding upon last year.



Kaitlyn’s 2021 Wrap Up

2021 for me, was all about self improvement. There were many days that I spent trying to improve myself and focusing on self-care. Whether that was indulging my mind on a good book or simply relaxing from my day-to-day activities. Most of my days also included taking my dogs on long walks, hanging out with my 3 year old nephew, Lucas and going on sporadic adventures with my fiance Garrett. In 2021, I also joined this awesome group at Light Alive Marketing and I am so happy to be a part of this team. I am excited for 2022 because Garrett and I will be getting married in May and going to Disney World for our honeymoon!



