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The Purpose of Your Website and Why It’s Important

The Purpose of Your Website and Why It’s Important

Mar 9, 2022 | Marketing, Web Design

In today’s age, everyone is searching online for products and services and if customers aren’t finding your business, you are missing out on a huge opportunity. A business’ online presence is crucial to its success, whether you are a small or more established business. Does your business have a website, and if so, are you able to define the purpose of it? Knowing the purpose of your website is the foundation to your online growth. 

Where Do You Start?

The main thing to focus on when it comes to your website’s purpose is to keep it simple! It’s best to stick to these three strategies:

  • Sell products and services
  • Generate leads
  • Establish credibility

If your business is looking to sell products and services, then you are probably an e-commerce site and looking for direct revenue and measurable profit, and an increase in sales.

When looking to generate leads as your website’s purpose, you’re looking to produce high quality, trackable leads. 

If your business is looking to establish credibility, you can make a lasting impression and gain trust from potential customers. 

Other Deciding Factors

Are you stuck deciding on which purpose fits your website? There are many contributing factors you can evaluate and ask yourself before deciding. Some factors can include:

  • The nature of your business. A doctor’s office is probably not focusing on generating leads or selling products and services. A business like this would need a website to establish credibility and trust with potential customers and patients. 
  • The geographic scope of your business. A credentials site can make sense for a local art gallery but suppose the business wants to expand to sell it’s art locally, nationally, or even internationally. Both e-commerce and lead generation can be contemplated but the overall business plan is what needs to drive those decisions. Things like your site capability or your market budget are best to keep in mind to make the most sense for your website’s purpose.
  • Supporting business structure. Making sure you have a business that can support your website’s purpose is crucial. If you don’t have a sales or marketing team that is capable of following up on leads, businesses could lose customers or even worse, their business could fail. The strategy of your website must always consider the structure and capabilities of your business. 

Overall, choosing your website’s purpose is the first step to improving your business and increasing sales, brand awareness, and so much more. Defining your website’s purpose can take time and multiple strategy sessions to understand where your business is leaning towards. Successful sites are built and marketed with a singular focus. 

If your business struggles to identify your site’s purpose, contact us today to help you define and strategize yours.


Don’t have a website? We can help! Let us help your reach your target audience and increase profitability for your business with a beautifully designed website.  



